Pactpan academy

Instructor Bio

Msgr. Lucio Adrián Ruiz born in Argentina in 1965, was ordained Diocesan Priest in 1990.

Licentiate of Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome (thesis in Theology of Communication); Master in Business Administration (MBA), and Doctorate (PhD) from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Superior Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering, in the Biomedical Engineering program.

He has been IT-Assessor of the Argentine Episcopal Conference; Executive Secretary of the System Office of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) Bogota and Technical Coordinator of the Digital Network of the Church in Latin America (RIIAL); President of the Center for Training and Software Development for the Church in Latin America Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe; Systems Manager for the Congregation for the Clergy and collaborator of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

He has taught Digital Technologies at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome and Meta-languages of communication at the Instituto Teológico Pastoral, (ITEPAL), Colombia.

He has addressed numerous conferences, seminars and written articles on the subject of the Church in the Digital Age.

Head Office of the Vatican Internet Service of the Direction of Telecommunication, Vatican until June 2015, when he was appointed Secretary of the new Dicastery for Communication

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By: Lucio Adrián Ruiz Digital culture represents a fundamental change in the way we conceive of reality and consequently relate to ourselves...
2 Lectures